Thursday, March 20, 2014

1-Year Anniversary

Well, it is hard to believe, but today we celebrate our one year anniversary of being on the farm! It seems very fitting that it is the first day of spring...

This past year has been full of blessings! We worked harder than we ever have and the work has been the most rewarding we've ever experienced. 

I thought it would be fun to take a look pack (in photos) over the last year...

                                                         We started it all with seedlings and blossoms...           

                  Now that spring is here we are ready to do it all again! 

THANK YOU to everyone who has supported us through so many "beginnings." We are looking forward to many more years of good farming, healthy food, and great friends!

One year down,

Monday, June 10, 2013

Week of June 3rd, 2013...

Last week was a productive one, even with all of the rain! The plants are growing, and the berries are slowly, but surely ripening...

Here's a look...

The Heirloom tomatoes are growing like crazy and putting out LOTS of blossoms...

       ... A look at the raspberries... 

The blueberry plants are in a few different stages of ripening (which is a good thing) - we are hoping to take some blueberries to market on Saturday...


... the blackberries are doing their thing... loving every minute of the sunshine...

 We are harvesting gooseberries this week. If you're local and interested in a quart (or more) of these berries, send us an email (from Blog or on Facebook) because they will not last! Planning to take whatever is not sold to market on Saturday...


The bees are buzzing around as busy as ever... they are still pollinating blackberry blooms and these clover flowers...


Our chicks are growing too - right out of the chick box! More photos on what they're up to soon...

Enjoying the many blessings of the farm,

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

An update, in photos...

Whew, there has been so much going on here at New Heritage Family Farm! I thought a few photos were in order...

                              New bees for pollinating...


 Mmmm, mmmm, mmmm...

Sweet and delicious!

The gooseberries and blueberries are busy growing...

And these beautiful blooms are from the blackberry bushes...

 We've also been burning, weeding, and planting...

Bob and his Red Dragon (more on this wonderful farm tool later)...


        ...then there are the new chicks...

        ... who are sweet and content...

  ... As busy as things are, we have looked up long enough at the end of the day to enjoy the gift of beautiful sunsets...

Until next time,

Friday, April 26, 2013

Our little friend, the blue bird...

Bob had been watching a Bluebird fly to and fro this old bird house for several days... by Sunday, my curiosity got the best of me and I just had to see what she was up to...

She had been busy indeed.... In honor of our tiny discovery, I thought it fitting to share a poem by Robert Frost: 

As told to a child
As I went out a Crow
In a low voice said, "Oh,
I was looking for you.
How do you do?
I just came to tell you
To tell Lesley (will you?)
That her little Bluebird
Wanted me to bring word
That the north wind last night
That made the stars bright
And made ice on the trough
Almost made him cough
His tail feathers off.
He just had to fly!
But he sent her Good-by,
And said to be good,
And wear her red hood,
And look for the skunk tracks
In the snow with an ax-
And do everything!
And perhaps in the spring
He would come back and sing." 
Having a good ole' time being nosy,

Thursday, April 25, 2013

A slow, but sure awakening...

Despite the cool temperatures we have been experiencing, the farm is coming back to life in many ways.

I thought it would be good to share a few photos of the various plants as they are beginning to awake from their winter slumber...

The strawberry plants already have blossoms, they should be the first to produce fruit. The asparagus is also popping up, so it's a race to the harvest (sorry no pics; thought I had taken some but could not find them).

There are beautiful blossoms on the apple trees too...

The blueberry bushes are pushing out their colorful leaves...

The blackberry plants have tons of leaves too!  I do not have pics of the raspberry or gooseberry plants, I'll catch them on the next update... 

Of course, I could not say farewell without showing you these beauties... we are still enjoying a gorgeous variety of tulips, daffodils, and other flowers :)

Enjoying the "awakening,"