Saturday, March 23, 2013

Grape pruning...

Today we tackled an overgrown grape trellis - literally! This jumbled mess needed some serious pruning.

Bob was eager to get to work. He had already chainsawed one side of the trellis before I could get back with the camera.

A couple of weeks ago we spent the day at a UC Extension class learning how to prune various berry bushes and fruit trees. We learned a lot about grape vines, and are hoping the that the age-old wisdom that they are "hard to kill" runs true for us, as we were not very gentle with them; they were far too overgrown to be "pruned" with anything but the chainsaw.

  Once we unburied the trellis we could see what we had to work with. We think these vines are pretty old, over 30 years old, and maybe as old as 100 years... cool! We are not yet sure what the variety of grape is, possibly Concord.  We are eager to see what comes of them.

We enjoyed a productive day on the farm today, due in large part, to these three beautiful helpers :)
(The masks were from another project we were working on, they thought it was "cute" to keep them on - teenagers!).

Peace and blessings to you,

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