Thursday, April 4, 2013

Busy days...

We. Are. Busy.

There is so much to do on the farm, and off, in the spring! In addition to starting seeds, transplanting, moving plants, turning dirt, cleaning, renovating, designing brochures (the list goes on and on)... we are making plans for moving into our new farmhouse *smiles*

That being said, we took some time last weekend to enjoy our farm, some family time, and the Resurrection Day of our Savior!

Here are a few pics...

 She pulled in a nice sized crappie :)

Nice and slow... she is trying to avoid the beaver who has made his home on the shore of the pond...

We roasted some marshmallows and smashed them between cookies - yum!

We even found some time for games with grandma and grandpa :)

Back to work,

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